Ad Statistics is a set of information that is available on all classified ads placed on BisManOnline. Statistics give you a look into how popular your ad is, how people are finding your ad, and where they are coming from.
You can access your ad statistics within the member center when viewing your "My Ads" list, or, if you are logged in, via the special toolbar that appears for modifying your ad.
The Ad Toolbar
When viewing your ad (while logged in) a series of buttons appears on your listing including a button to access "Stats & Views" (seen above)
Clicking this button will bring you directly to the ad statistics page for this ad
Daily Stats
The daily ad statistics gives you a day by day look at the number of Impressions and Views your ad has received.
Impressions counts the number of times your ad "Appears" anywhere on BisManOnline This includes appearing in the category pages, user search results, featured ad rotations, etc. Each time your ad "appears" in a listing for any user, it is counted as 1 "Impression". The Impressions column tabulates these totals on a daily basis.
A "View" is the number of times a person has clicked on, or, "viewed" your ad in full. This would equate to someone clicking on your ad from the category it is in, or from a search result, or even perhaps from a link on another website such as Facebook. The "Views" column tabulates the total views for your ad on a daily basis.
Improving Impressions
Improving the number of impressions your listing receive, usually results in an increased number of views for your ad. Improving the number of impressions depends on many factors such as the category the ad is placed in, however, there are a number of steps you can take:
- Keywords - Be sure your ad contains words that you think people will search for when looking for your item. The BisManOnline search tool compares a users search term, to the words in your title and description. If your ad matches it is displayed. Ensuring your ad contains the correct keywords, will help other users find it
- Prominent Ad Upgrade - Add the Prominent Ad Upgrade to your listing and it will appear on the first page if its category for the duration of your ad. This ensures that every time a user visits that category, your ad will be shown.
- Featured Ad Rotation - This upgrade rotates your ad throughout the BisManOnline Home Page, as well as the main page of the category your ad is in.
Improve Views
To raise the number of times your ad is viewed, first start by reviewing the "Impressions" ideas above. To improve the likely-hood someone will view or click on your ad, there are a number of steps you can take.
- Descriptive Title - Ensure that the title of your ad contains enough information to entice a user to view it further.
- A Great Picture! - Ads without pictures receive far fewer views that ads with pictures. Be sure to post a good quality picture of your ad
- Post to Facebook - Post a link to your ad on Facebook and ask your friends to share it with their friends
- Post to other websites you frequent. Increase the number of people outside of BisManOnline that will see your ad
The Searches section will show you what search terms or keywords BisManOnline users searched on that led them to View/Click on your ad. (this is a count of "Views" not "Impressions") - Review this section on a daily basis to see if the words you think should lead to your ad are working. If not, review your ad title and description to ensure that your ad has proper keywords in it.
This section describes which pages on the BisManOnline site led users to your ad. Normally this will show the category and sub category page in which your ad was placed. It could include other pages such as the Recommended ads page, or even un-related pages if a user clicked on your ad from their recently viewed ads list, or their watch list.
Other Websites
This section will show other websites and search engines that have led users to your ad. This may include sites like online email services, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, and/or Bing.
To improve your statistics in this section, again, review your keywords, and post links to your classified ad on sites such as Facebook, etc.
This section tracks the location of users that have viewed your listing. And tracks the number of views by location. This will allow you to see the geographic reach/interest your ad is receiving.
Improving your statistics includes many steps, and it is important to review your stats daily to see what impact your efforts are having on your listing. More Impressions = More Views = Greater chance of selling that item!