How to Post an Ad On BisManOnline
Posting an ad on BisManOnline is easy! Follow the steps below to get started!
1.) After you have logged into your account, click the button that says "Post An Ad - Free"
and you will be taken to step 1 of the ad posting process. This is where you enter your ad title and description in the spots marked below.
2.) Next, you will need to provide some information about what you are listing. Begin by selecting one of the buttons indicated below, depending on what you are listing. For this example, we will select "For Sale / Rent."

3.) You can now provide a reason, if any, that you are listing or selling your item. You will also need to list a price for your item. You can choose from a numerical value for your item, "Free / Giveaway," "Make an Offer" and "Please contact for Price." In this case, we know the value we are listing our item for, so a value of $1 has been entered in the correct box.
Please note, before clicking "Continue to the Next Step," you must first agree to the BisManOnline seller's agreement.

4.) Depending on what you are selling, you will want to choose the best category that your item fits into. You can choose from the drop-down menu or from the full list of categories below it. For this example, we will select "Cars." As you can see below, there are two different ways to select the best-fitting category for your item.
5.) Now that the best category for our item has been chosen, we will be able to click "Continue to the Next Step." If you select "Cars" from the full list below, you will automatically be taken to the next step.

6.) No matter which type of ad you are creating, you may have to enter in the required ad options. If a field is marked with a red asterisk, it is required for you to be able to move on to the next step.
7.) When you reach step 4, click on "Choose Files" to browse for photos to include with your ad. Once a file is selected, you you can click the "Upload Photo" button. When you have uploaded your desired photos, you can click on "I'm finished uploading photos."
8.) At step 5, you can purchase any enhancements or upgrades for your ad. Once you're finished, or do not want to purchase upgrades, click "(No Thanks - I am Finished...)" as shown below. For more information on how to purchase ad upgrades, click here.
9.) You have now been taken to step 6, the confirmation page. You may now place another ad or view, edit or upgrade your newly posted ad or return to the Member Center.
That's it! You've just posted an ad on BisManOnline!
Now that you know the basics of posting an ad on BisManOnline, let's talk about the different types of ads you can post. After you have logged into your account, click the button that says "Post An Ad Free" and you will be taken to step 1 of the ad posting process. During Step 1 of the ad posting process, you can choose which type of ad that best matches your needs. The pictures below will show you the different options available to you.
BisManOnline has 5 basic types of ads you can choose from. Here, you can see that the ad type selected by default is a "For Sale/Rent" type ad. Depending on which type of ad you select, there is different information you can provide below.
The next type of ad you can select is the "Wanted" type ad. You can choose whether you are looking for an item, an employee, or something else that doesn't fit those options.

You can also choose to post a "Service" type ad. As you can see, you will need to choose whether it's a service you're providing to others, an exclusionary option for those of college age or under 18 years old or offering child care services at home or at a day care center.

Another option is the "Event" type ad. If you select this, you will have to choose whether your event is a local community calendar event, a garage or rummage sale, an auction, a real estate/open house event or a sale/store event. You will also need to choose the start and end dates for your event before you can continue.
Finally, you can choose the "Auction" type ad. If you choosing to list an auction type ad, you will need to include a start date and an ending date before continuing.

No matter which ad type you select, you will need to select the category that best fits it. Once you've selected the correct category, you can click the "Continue to the Next Step" button.

After selecting your category, you will continue to Step 3, where any additional options or required information will need to be entered before finishing posting your ad. All the steps after this are the same for all ads.

How To Post a For Sale / Rent Ad On BisManOnline
Many of the ads found on BisManOnline include items that are listed for sale or for rent. Follow the easy steps below to get your own item listed and on its way out the door!
1.) After you have logged into your account, click the button that says "Post An Ad Free" and you will be taken to step 1 of the ad posting process. This is where you enter your ad details and information. Here, you will see the button for placing "For Sale / Rent" ads. In this example, we will be selling an item.
2.) Next, you will need to provide some information about the item you are selling or renting. Shown below is the first blank, which lets you say why you are selling the item.

3.) You will need to list a price for your item. You can choose from a numerical value for your item, "Free / Giveaway," "Make an Offer" and "Please contact for Price." In this case, we know the value we are listing our item for, so a value of $1 has been entered in the correct box.

4.) If you have a known price in mind, but are open to receiving offers less than that amount, you can click on the check box for "OBO (Or Best Offer" so your potential buyer knows this is an option. If you are selling multiple items, you can check the second box, "Each (Multiple Items)." If the item you are selling is new, you can check the final box shown below.
5.) Depending on what you are selling, you will want to choose the best category that your item fits into. You can choose from the drop-down menu or from the full list of categories below it. For example, if you are selling a grain trailer, you'd choose "Ag Trailers" but not "Trailers" from the Automobiles category.

6.) No matter which type of ad you are creating, you may have to enter in the required ad options. In this example, you would select the correct Ag Trailer type from drop down menu. All steps after this will be the same as they would be for any other ad posted on BisManOnline.
How To Post a Wanted Ad On BisManOnline
BisManOnline is a great resource for you to find whatever you're looking for, whether it's a specific item, an employee or something else altogether.
Please note that certain ad fees apply as follows:
Commercial Ads ($19.95)
Ads placed on behalf of a business ($19.95)
Self employed / service ads ($19.95)
1.) After you have logged into your account, click the button that says "Post An Ad Free" and you will be taken to step 1 of the ad posting process. This is where you enter your ad details and information. Here, you will see the button for placing "Wanted" ads. In this example, we will make an employment ad.
2.) Next, click the "Wanted" ad button, which will open up the options for what you're seeking. You will see buttons for "I am looking for an Item," "I am looking for an Employee" and "Other...".

3.) In the case of a posting an employment ad, you will want to select the button labeled "I am looking for an Employee."

4.) At the following page, you will see a variety of industries. If you were looking for an item, you would see the full list of categories instead. In this case, you would select the choice that best describes your business or agency from the highlighted text list. You can also use the drop-down list at the top of the page and click the button "Continue to Next Step."
5.) No matter which type of ad you are creating, you may have to enter in the required ad options. In this case, you need to provide information for "Pay Type," "Experience Required" and "Full Time or Part Time" employment. All steps after this will be the same as they would be for any other ad posted on BisManOnline.

How to Post a Service Ad On BisManOnline |
You can post an ad for services or labor you are offering on BisManOnline. Follow the easy steps below to see how.
1.) After you have logged into your account, click the button that says "Post An Ad Free" and you will be taken to step 1 of the ad posting process. This is where you enter your ad details and information.
Since this example shows how to post a service ad, you will click on the "Service" button. Next, you will want to click which type of service you are offering. In this example, the type of service selected is "A service I provide for others." Depending on the service, you can also click the button stating you are 18 years of age or a college student providing a service. Buttons for home-based child care and child care offered at a day care center are also available.
2.) Once you have selected the type of service being offered, you will need to choose the best category that fits your service. In this example, "Lawn and Garden" is selected. This would fit if you are offering lawn care services like lawn mowing, seeding, sprinkler services and so on. After selecting your category from the drop down menu or the full list, you can click on the "Continue to Next Step" button.

3.) Depending on the selections you made before this step, you may have additional required options for your ad. In this example there are none, however.
All steps after this will be the same as they would be for any other ad posted on BisManOnline.
How to Post an Event Ad On BisManOnline |
Posting an event ad on BisManOnline is a great way to get a lot of attention for any event or sale you have planned. You can choose from the following event options: "Local Community or Calendar Event," "Garage Sale," "Auction," Open House - Real Estate" and "Sale or Store Event." In this example, we will select "Garage Sale," which is an option you can also use for any rummage or yard sale too.
1.) After you have logged into your account, click the button that says "Post An Ad Free" and you will be taken to step 1 of the ad posting process. This is where you enter your ad details and information.
2.) Now you can enter your rummage or garage sale title and description. Next, be sure to click on the "Event" button. This will allow you to continue on to the next step.
3.) You will now see a list of events you can choose from. In this example, you would choose the button labeled "Garage Sale."

4.) All you have to do now is enter the dates that you plan on having the rummage sale begin and end. Just click the first calendar button shown below to select your start date. Then you can click the second calender button to enter the end date. Then click the "Continue to Next Step" button.
5.) Finally, simply click the "Rummage Sales" text below to select the correct category for your rummage sale ad. The rest of the process after this point is the same steps used for posting any other ad. Congratulations, you just posted a rummage sale on BisManOnline!

How to Post an Auction Ad On BisManOnline |
1.) After you have logged into your account, click the button that says "Post An Ad Free" and you will be taken to step 1 of the ad posting process. To post an auction ad, first click on the "Auction" button.
2.) Next, you need to enter the start date and end date for your auction. Simply click on the calendar button next to "Starts On" to enter the auction start date.

3.) After entering the start date, click on the second calendar button next to "Ends On" to enter the end date for the auction. After you have finished this, click on the "Continue to the Next Step" button.

4.) For this step, you will need to select the best category for your auction ad. In this example, Ag Trailers has been selected as the category. You can choose from the list list below with the drop down menu or the list of categories as show below. Then, click the "Continue to the Next Step" button to reach the next step.
5.) Finally, select any required ad options needed for the category you've chosen for your auction ad. Once you have made sure the contact information is correct, you can click the "Continue to the Next Step" button. The rest of the process after this point is the same steps used for posting any other ad. Congratulations, you just posted your auction on BisManOnline!