How to Post BisManOnline Ads to Bisman Social Quickly and Easily!

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How to Post BisManOnline Ads to Bisman Social Quickly and Easily!
BisManOnline just got even better! Your favorite ad site addiction has combined the social functionality of Facebook to bring a whole new dimension to your BisManOnline experience. Now you can post your own BisManOnline ads on Facebook for extra exposure! Read the steps to below to find out how with your PC or your mobile phone.

Note:  Be sure to JOIN the BisManSocial group on Facebook:  BisManSocial - Join Now!
Step 1.) First, make sure you're logged into your BisManOnline account, this will allow you to continue to the next step. By clicking on the Member Center icon in the upper-left corner, you will be brought to your Member Center page.
Step 2.) This step requires that you've already posted your ad. If so, go ahead and click on the My Ads icon on the left-hand side of your Member Center. You will then be taken to all of your active ads.  
Step 3.) Once you're at your Active Ads listing, find the ad that you want to post to Bisman Social. Then, click the "view this ad" option and you will be brought to your ad, live on the BisManOnline site.  
Step 4.) This is your ad, live, as it appears on BisManOnline! All you have to do is select the website address for your ad at the top of your website browser and copy it.  
Step 5.) Next, visit the Bisman Social group on Facebook. If you've already joined our group, all you have to do is be logged in to post your ad. Simply click on "Write Post" and paste the ad address you copied in the previous step into the posting box. The website address for your ad should show, along with a preview of any images you uploaded. That's it! Now you've posted your BisManOnline ad onto Bisman Social!  

Mobile Phone Directions
Follow the steps below to post your own BisManOnline ads on Facebook:
Step 1.) First, make sure you're logged into your BisManOnline Touch account, this will allow you to continue to the next step. By clicking on "My Ads / Place Ad", you will be given the next 
Step 2.) For this step, you will simply want to press the "My Ads" button shown here.  
Step 3.) Here, you'll see a list of your active ads. Select the ad that you want to post to Bisman Social.  
Step 4.) This screen shows all the details for the ad you selected previously. Now, you'll want to choose the "View This Ad" option.  
Step 5.) You've arrived at your ad, live, as it appears on BisManOnline Touch! Find the address to your ad at the very top of your phone's browser.  
Step 6.) Most phones will allow you to select the website address by holding down on it for a second or two. When the address is highlighted, just press the option for cutting or copying the selected text as shown here.  
Step 7.) Once you've arrived opened up your Facebook app, visit Bisman Social and open up a post box. Here, you'll want to press down in the blank box for a second or two. This should give you the option to past the address you copied in the previous step.  
Step 8.) Once you've pasted the web address for your ad into the post box, all you have to do is press "Post" and you're done!