Do you want to update your user profile image or delete an old one? Follow the simple steps below.
Click the Member Center icon.
Click ‘Change Photo.’ Click ‘New Photo.’ Click ‘Choose File.’
Please review our User Profile Image Policy prior to uploading your photo to ensure that your photo falls within our guidelines, otherwise it will be rejected.
Choose ‘Take Photo or Video’ or ‘Photo Library,’ and either take your photo or find it in your photo library. Once selected, you will see ‘uploading photo,’ and then the photo will appear.
You will see ‘Pending Approval’ until your photo has been through the review process. If your photo is rejected, you will be notified via email.
If you’d like to delete your user profile image, click ‘Delete Photo.’
It will ask if you are sure; click ‘OK.’
Do you want to update your user profile image or delete an old one? Follow the simple steps below.
Click the Person icon.
Click ‘Edit Photo.’
Please review our User Profile Image Policy prior to uploading your photo to ensure that your photo falls within our guidelines, otherwise it will be rejected.
Choose ‘Camera’ or ‘Gallery,’ then either take a new photo or find the photo you’d like to use in your gallery.
Your new photo will then appear in your profile image bubble. It will be pending approval until your photo has been through the review process. If your photo is rejected you will be notified via email.