We’ve found that when ads are shared to Facebook and changes are then made to the ad (such as price), when the ad is shared to Facebook again, it won’t always reflect the updated information. This is due to Facebook saving the original ad information in their cache memory. Please try the fix that we’ve found.
Click ‘Member Center.’
Click on the ad with the issue. In the ad window that opens up on the right side of the screen, click the title of the ad to view the ad.
Click the ‘Share’ button. Highlight the share link, right click, and then click ‘Copy.’ Alternatively, you could use (ctrl + c).
Visit here to clear the share link from Facebook’s cache.
Click in the box, right click, and choose ‘Paste’. Alternatively, you could use (ctrl + v). Click ‘Debug.’
Now you can go back and share your ad to Facebook again. While this is usually successful, this solution doesn’t always resolve the problem. Since this comes from Facebook’s end, there is nothing further we can do. You could, however, cut and paste your ad description and post as a new ad. As a new ad, Facebook won’t have any information cached, and sharing it will reflect the correct information.