BisManOnline just got even better! Your favorite ad site addiction has combined the social functionality of Facebook to bring a whole new dimension to your BisManOnline experience. Now you can post your own BisManOnline ads on Facebook for extra exposure!
Note: Be sure to JOIN the BisManOnline Social, Fargo/Moorhead Area Classifieds, and/or the New Williston Connections group(s) on Facebook:
BisManOnline Social – Join Now!
Fargo/Moorhead Area Classifieds – Join Now!
New Williston Connections – Join Now!
Click the Member Center icon. Click ‘My Ads.’ Click on that ad you’d like to share. Click ‘View Ad,’ in blue font.
Click the ‘Share’ button. Hold your finger down on the ad link to highlight it, and then click ‘Copy.’ Close the share window by clicking by clicking the ‘x’ in the upper right corner.
You can then paste this link into a new post in one of BisManOnline’s Facebook groups, and Facebook will automatically pull in your primary photo and title. Click the ‘Post’ button. This will share your ad to the Facebook group.
BisManOnline just got even better! Your favorite ad site addiction has combined the social functionality of Facebook to bring a whole new dimension to your BisManOnline experience. Now you can post your own BisManOnline ads on Facebook for extra exposure!
Note: Be sure to JOIN the BisManOnline Social, Fargo/Moorhead Area Classifieds, and/or the New Williston Connections group(s) on Facebook:
BisManOnline Social – Join Now!
Fargo/Moorhead Area Classifieds – Join Now!
New Williston Connections – Join Now!
Click the Person icon. Click ‘My Listings.’ Click the listing you’d like to share.
Click the down arrow. Click ‘Share.’
In the window that pops up below, click ‘Copy.’ This will copy the link to your BisManOnline Listing.
You can then paste this link into a new post in one of BisManOnline’s Facebook groups, and Facebook will automatically pull in your primary photo and title. Click the ‘Post’ button. This will share your ad to the Facebook group.