BisManOnline has a wide variety of the best local and state ads available, but sometimes you need something extra to help you find what you need. Check out the tips below to search smart with BisManOnline!
Did you know that you can find the exact item you're looking for on BisManOnline just by using quotation marks to narrow down your search? Follow these steps to see how:
In this example, we're searching for a hand truck and entered that phrase into the search box below.
This is what you may find for typical search results. Even though we search Hand Truck, we received an ad that was actually for a pick up truck.

This time, we'll put in the exact same search for Hand Truck, but this time we're putting quotation marks around the phrase. By doing this, you're telling BisManOnline that only want to see ads that have the exact same words "Hand Truck" and nothing else.

As you can see, our search successfully brought up ads that had only the words "Hand Truck" in them. In this case, it is some want ads where the job description requires the use of hand trucks.
You can also search by title only by checking the "titles only" button this will do a search on all ads that have "Hand Truck" in the title.
These are the results from our search above. As you can see it pulled up one ad with "Hand Truck" in the title.